How to Make the Most of Networking in Coworking Spaces – landscape How to Make the Most of Networking in Coworking Spaces – landscape How to Make the Most of Networking in Coworking Spaces – landscape
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Make the most of networking in a coworking space – Clockwise

How to make the most of networking at your coworking space. If you’d like to start making better connections with your host of new coworkers, keep on reading.


In a time where the popularity of coworking has boomed, the walls between businesses have come down literally and socially. But how can you make the most of the unique way of working? The answer, it seems, couldn’t be simpler. So, if you’d like to start making better connections with your host of new coworkers, keep on reading.

Networking in a coworking space offers a significantly more relaxed take on traditional networking. No longer do you have to suit up and find a name tag. The conversations once had in stuffy conference rooms have been replaced with a chat over the coffee machine, attending the events held by your shared office or just changing where you choose to hot desk that day. So if you’re ready to up your networking game, start by harnessing these opportunities.

  • The introduction: This may feel reductive; however, with the glaring temptation to quietly coexist in coworking spaces, an introduction can be a brave, ice-breaking first step to a stronger relationship between businesses. Start by setting up coffee and croissants on your first day, send around a few slides or an email letting your neighbours know who you are and what you do, or go old-fashioned and make the rounds with a hello and a smile. Though not a necessity, people are more likely to remember and engage with you again once you’ve extended the first greeting.
  • Choosing where to work: If you have access to multiple locations like Clockwork offices, try to mix up where you work. Each new office can introduce you to a whole range of different businesses, different people and different opportunities to connect. You can even tailor your networking needs to specific areas. Are you hoping to collaborate creatively? Pick an office in the artier zones of the city. Looking for a financial connection? Choose an office in a financial district. 
  • Go outside the 9 to 5: Coworking provides a unique way to network; not only do you have a pre-established relationship with the people you’d normally meet for the first time at events, but many offices also host in-house events, meaning the chance for conversation is significantly easier. From panels to ping pong, there’s a whole world of coworking events, so check out what’s on at your office group online or with the office coordinators. Can’t find an event you like? Make a splash by hosting your own; this will allow you to make a huge impression and invite people to network with you directly.
  • Start soft networking: You needn’t always wait for an event to make connections; sometimes, the most natural way to be is, well, natural. Invite other companies or coworkers to join you for lunch in the office, bring in some baked goods or ask about their weekends and projects. You can even take the connections online and set up an office WhatsApp chat to coordinate plans or stay in touch. 

You have the knowledge and the tools now, but if you’re still looking for the perfect office, why not get in touch? Clockwise offers a huge range of contemporary coworking solutions nationwide. Who you’ll meet? That you’ll have to find out when you arrive.

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